Save Time Applying with AI.
Spend less time filling out forms and more time impressing recruiters with resumes, cover letters, and follow-up emails.
Made for Job Seekers.
We save you time at every step of the application process.


Every document you need
to apply...
Write applications including cover letters, resumes and follow up emails automatically.
Cover Letters


Follow-up Emails

Reduce the time you spend writing resumes and cover letters. Create unique documents and apply – it’s that simple.
Find and apply to opportunities as soon as they’re posted, not days or weeks later.
More Applications Means More Interviews
Resume Builder
Write and edit resumes rapidly from job descriptions.

Mock Interviews
Practice answering interview questions with AI.

Auto Apply
Let AI apply to 100s of jobs with 1 simple click.

Cover Letters
Create unique cover letters for every job application.

Job Board
Quickly find job matching your experience.
Interview Buddy
Get answers to interview questions in real time.

We help job seekers succeed.
Speed up applying and spending more time interviewing

Save time preparing for interviews with mock interview questions and get live answers during interviews with our Chrome extension.
Stop spending time managing resumes and cover letters by organizing your job search in one place.
Don't believe us, ask our customers.
+472,000 other professionals can't be wrong
Super Helpful..
I love how simple it is to use, and the tracking feature keeps me organized. Plus, their support team is awesome—super friendly and quick to help when I had questions.
Fantastic tool..
Job Seeker's New Best Friend..
Is exactly what you need..
Effortless and effective...
I've tired all the other tools..
Excellent app for job hunting..
+472,000 professionals are applying with AIApply.

Frequent Questions
Didn't find what you're looking for? Direct message us here.
Many of our tools have a free version. Click the big button and sign-up for free to get a sneak peek of what you can expect. We have student discounts and are offering a limited time 50% discount on premium.
Premium gives you full access to all job-seeking tools. Unlike other tools, we don't limits on anything whatsoever and you always know what you pay for.
Yes! We match you with job opportunities from our partners. We aggregate posting from multiple job boards and help you filter through them easily.
First drafts take less than 3 seconds. That include a resumes, cover letter, and follow-up email to the hiring manager or recruiter. Most of you're time should be spent on the final touches that separate your from the crowd. It takes about 5 minutes to hone each resume to perfection.
You can translate your resume into any language. English is the primary language most customers use, but many translate into French, Spanish, Arabic and more.
Don't worry if the first draft doesn't cut it. You can select the section you don't like and tell AI to regenerate it. Part of making a great resume is honing it so manual rewriting or rewording is as easy as editing a word doc.
Yes. The resume builder uses multiple styles that have verified by our team to work with applicant tracking systems (ATS). Our Harvard-inspired template is the most popular choice but one size doesn't fit all - so choose your favorite.
Our resumes are designed to look and sound human, meaning it should never get flagged as AI-generated - even if hiring managers are using detection software. Additionally, you can edit any part of the resume to ensure it meets your personal style and preferences.
Don't miss out on
your next opportunity.
Create, edit and proof-read applications in seconds. No Joke.